Design Thinking Benefits

Design Thinking benefits

Design Thinking Benefits

Many problems or challenges in a professional context are very complex and hard to understand – often there are several factors that play a role in this. But the more complex a task is, the more difficult it becomes to solve it in a team. One approach or method to solve these problems and tasks in a creative way is Design Thinking. Among many others the most essential benefit of Design Thinking: A consistent focus on the user, a customer- or a user-centred approach.

But how can freelancers, employees or companies profit from the benefits of Design Thinking? We explain the basics of this method and let you in on the secret on how to use the benefits of Design Thinking.

What does Design Thinking mean and what benefits are associated with it?

Interdisciplinary teams are becoming more and more common in companies, no matter what size. In contrast to rigid, technically homogeneous teams, they have the advantage that many more aspects are included in the discussion process. Design Thinking as a method is not only used in start-ups and tech firms, but in basically all organizational units. The benefits of Design Thinking can already be seen in the components that characterize the method. The first phase of the Design Thinking process, called the iterative phase, is based on individual steps.

– Understanding of a problem and discussion
– Development of questions that define needs, challenges and the product design
– Research and observation, for example through interviews or online surveys
– Development of a prototypical user based on the findings (basis: analysis of target groups)

The benefits of Design Thinking can already be seen in this schematic representation. The basic idea behind it is the development and visualization of adaptations and ideas. Essential elements that contribute to the benefits of Design Thinking are brainstorming i.e., a playful approach to the subject matter – and the goal of taking in as many angles and perspectives on the topic as possible. It is then in the context of this component that rules defining the process of brainstorming are to be seen.

Brainstorming and interdisciplinary teams: components and benefits of Design Thinking

When Herbert A. Simon first presented a social science-based approach to problem solving in 1969 with his book “The Science of the Artificial” it was just as much about the decision-making process. According to Simon, this proceeds in three stages, which we present below:

– Stage 1: Gathering information to identify a problem that requires a solution as such in the first place.
– Stage 2: Shaping or designing possible solutions, primarily by developing options that could concretely solve the problem.
– Stage 3: Selecting an option, having previously analyzed and discussed various possibilities.

The approach of the social scientist was not only well received in the scientific community but also emerged as a method. Since everyone can provide input here and thus provide inspiration for others, the benefits of Design Thinking thrive on open and constructive feedback. Each participant is equally involved, regardless of his role, his position in the company or his affiliation to a department. The benefits of Design Thinking are therefore most evident in interdisciplinary teams within a business.

“We don’t drive 130 km per hour by continuously improving the horse” – Arie van Bennekum

What does IFAAI add to the benefits of Design Thinking? The advantages of our certification!

The difficulty in everyday life is to get rid of stuck thought patterns and to allow for something new to develop. The strengths and benefits of Design Thinking are therefore shown in the open approach of putting the customer, including his needs and wishes, in the centre of attention. Customer satisfaction is not only the most valuable resource of a company, but also the source of continuous development.
Here at our Agile Certification Institute you can choose from different Design Thinking certifications, depending on your desired level. We offer the expertise of proven professionals and a globally recognized document that proves your skills and methodological knowledge.

Got questions about the benefits of Design Thinking? On our blog you will find regular articles on agile project management. We are also happy to answer your questions concerning the benefits of Design Thinking personally. Feel free to contact us at any time!